Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Sample of Important Figure Essay - How to Get Sample of Important Figure Essay

Sample of Important Figure Essay - How to Get Sample of Important Figure EssayWhen you are just starting out in college, the most important thing that you need to remember is how to get sample of important figure essay. You will have to write your own very first time, but the more you write the better it will be for you to get used to writing your own essay.The next day at the college entrance exam, you will be very nervous because you have no idea what to expect or how you will write. The tips that you can get from these samples of important figure essay will be very helpful.One important tip that you should learn is to first figure out how to compose a question that can give you samples of important figure essay. For example, if you were going to write an essay about a business competition, you should first figure out the question that you would like to ask the other contestants.It will help if you study the questions and you should know what you should ask your question. So if you ask your question how can you win the contest, you should be prepared to answer the question as well. All you have to do is just study your question and write the answers as well.So once you have done this, you will need to decide how to write your question and how to start writing your question. These two steps will help you develop your writing skills and it will make your writing much easier.Another useful tip that you will want to get is to make sure that you write a sample question and your answer on the same paper. This will help you when you are writing and you will get more ideas and you will improve. These samples of important figure essay will be very useful and will help you if you are just starting out in college.These samples ofimportant figure essay will be useful if you are just starting out in college. These two tips will help you write samples of important figure essay and you will learn how to write your own first time.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Anatomy Carcinoma Of Lung / Skull Metastasis - 1226 Words

Case Study-Anatomy-Carcinoma of lung w/ skull metastasis Abstract Squamous cell carcinoma represents 30% of all lung carcinomas. A carcinomas is cancer that appears in the epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissue is mostly found in the lining of your organs, like the esophagus. Squamous cell carcinoma, or SqCc for short, is known to produce malignant tumours in the brain parenchyma. There has been a case of SqCc that has impacted the parietal bone. An 80 year old Australian man was admitted with a rare form of metastatic carcinoma of the lung. After a physical examination, it was conclude that there was an extensive amount of bone destruction. The authors were unable to find a past case with this same problem. It is an unusual disease with very limited resources and background knowledge. Introduction Squamous cell carcinoma is an uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells stemming from the epithelial tissue of the lungs. It is a slow-grown lung cancer that is caused by smoking, a majority of the time. There are less than 200,000 cases in the United States alone per year; about 85%-90% of lung cancers are non-small cell lung cancer, but squamous cell carcinoma makes up for 30% of it. Although there can be other causes of squamous cell carcinoma, it is mostly associated with cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoking can lead to lung cancer which can soon get out of control. As the cancer cells develop, they become tumors and soon spread to other areas of the body. Typically, smallShow MoreRelatedDental Question Bank33485 Words   |  134 Pagesfollowing have a tendency to recur if not treated A. B. C. D. E. Giant cell granuloma Lipoma Fibrous epulis Haematoma Pulp polyps 44. Basal cell carcinoma is characterised by A. B. C. D. E. F. Rapid growth and metastasis Local cutaneous invasion Inability to invade bone Poor prognosis Radiation resistance Can not metastasise to the bone 45. Carcinoma of the tongue has a predilection for which of the following sites** A. B. C. D. E. Lateral border anteriorly Anterior dorsal surface Posterior dorsal

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The s Container / Contained Theory And Bowlby s...

Trauma is very complex and varied in its nature. Traumatic events include child abuse, neglect and maltreatment. Wamser†Nanney Vandenberg (2013) found that one of the more harmful types of trauma is the abuse is committed intentionally. This directly impacts the victim s safety and sense of trust. The devastating effects of this type of trauma is the way in which it impacts not only the survivors, but also future generations, and the ability they have to form attachments (Connolly, 2011). This report outlines the importance of Bion’s container/contained theory and Bowlby’s attachment theory in developing secure relationships. Sadly, abused infants form a disorganised attachment style which causes them as adults to adapt maladaptive parenting skills. This leads to intergenerational transmission of maltreatment. These parents tend to use fight, flight or freeze responses to cope with their traumatic past. However in saying that, if the abused parent has been able to develop a secure attachment with another individual, or access psychotherapy, the parent can learn healthy parenting behaviours, and is able to break the cycle of intergenerational transmission of trauma being passed on to future generations. When infants are born, they naturally form strong attachments to their primary caregivers (May, 2005). Bion s container/contained theory stipulates that when an infant is distressed, they project their negative feelings onto their caregiver, who contains theShow MoreRelatedHistory, Principles And Value Of Infant Observation2335 Words   |  10 Pagesoutline the history, principles and value in infant observation. I will then further examine my own experience of infant observation of four year old S. My observations of S had recurring themes of perfectionism, obsessive compulsive behaviours and avoidance. S was extremely shy and constantly sought teacher approval. By examining attachment theory, the emotions of shame and guilt, containment, the drive to know, mental pain and false-self, I was able to psychoanalysis S’s unconscious thoughts

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Importance of Business Outsourcing for Companies-Free-Samples

Question: Discuss about the Importance of Business Outsourcing for Companies and analyze research work related to Business Process Outsourcing respectively. Answer: Introduction: Business research process is dependent on research skills and knowledge about theories and process related to business research. This knowledge and skills indicates understanding of the rational for research and helps in conducting research in ethical and efficient manners. The learning process regarding business research methods and process can be strengthened by critical reflection as it enables meaningful and long-lasting reflection. This reflective journal presents a reflection on how 12 week teaching regarding methods and process of business research helped in conducting research related to outsourcing business functions. It describes how key learnings and lessons from each week helped in and conducting own research on topic of interest and doing justice to each stages of preparation. Reflective analysis of learning process: The main aim of assessment 1 and 2 was to understand the importance of business outsourcing for companies and analyze research work related to business process outsourcing respectively. To proceed with this task, the first week teaching helped in gaining insight about nature, process and strategy of business research. The lecture explained that the business research are conducted due to gap in studies, to understand the topic in a better way and to monitor unresolved issues which has not been explored before in research. I also came to know that many factors that affect research such as researchers assumption, quality criteria, political context and academic theories. With this knowledge, I could identify the rational for doing research, which was to gain more insight about the benefits of outsourcing functions for business. With gap in research related to hurdles founding in business function outsourcing, the research question for the research could be accordingly framed. After the research and purpose of business research became clear, the week 2 lecture helped to understand the criteria that need to be considered for each research. After the formulation of research question, knowledge about different research designs in week 2 teaching helped in planning research design for current study. Learning process for this week was difficult as different research design had different assessment criteria for validity and replicability of the research. However, I studied all designs carefully to interpret the design that would be suitable for this research. I also made it a point to consider all factors that may threat external validity of the research by reviewing the week 2 lesson. Furthermore, week 3 lesson was about literature review and writing business research. This learning material enlightened me with the methods that can be employed to search and critically analyze literature. With this insight, I could easily identify literature and inconsistent fin dings that could be explored further in research. This proceed of learning supported me to identify inconsistencies in findings and determine my own content for research. The learning goal of critical reflections during literature review was achieved through this lecture, which supported me a lot in reviewing research literature related to my topic. Until week 4 lecture, my focus was just on following all the methods and structure needed for my research. I was unaware of the researchers responsibility of legal and ethical considerations in research. However, the lecture introduced me about ethics in business research to manage all ethical issues that might arise during search. The ethics of business research was related to the concept of treatment of research participants, unacceptable conduct during research, ethical considerations of informed consent, deception, invasion of privacy and potential harm to participants. This learning guided me in doing ethically sound research and covering all the ethical consideration before initiating research and recruiting participants. The most complex decision for me while proceeding ahead with research was regarding selection of qualitative or quantitative research design. The teaching and learning process between week 5 to week 7 was important as it developed my overall concept related to qualitative research. I got to opportunity to learn about theoretical and purposive sampling methods and general step of qualitative research in week 5. By the end of week 5, I became more inquisitive about how interview can be done with different sample group and I got to answer to this query in week 6. Week 6 lecture taught me about the concept of focus group, interviewing process and advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Week 7 lecture was also important as it explored data analysis process, the most critical aspect of business research on which the whole result is dependent. It enlightened me with theories related to qualitative data analysis. Hence, with the knowledge gained regarding qualitative research design, my decision making process for qualitative approach in research became easier. I decided to go ahead with focus group and qualitative interview to get detailed answer related to my research question for business research. I feel week 8 lecture was most important for me as I came to know about sampling in quantitative research. As previous research gave me knowledge regarding qualitative research process, hence I could easily compare that lesion with the approach used in quantitative research. With this process, I achieved the learning goals of understanding the rational for qualitative or quantitative research during research planning stage. After reaching week 9, I was clear about difference in approach during interview process for qualitative and quantitative research as the lesion was related to structured interviewing and questionary design. Through the lessons obtained in week 10, content analysis and sample recruitment process became easier for me as came to know about sampling people, time periods and structured observation during search. By this time, I was confident about developing a high quality business research with all legal and ethical requirements being met. Finally, week 11 and week 1 2 teaching was also important as it finally gave me the lesson regarding secondary analysis in research and the approach to mixed method research respectively. With week 12 lesson, I came to know that qualitative and quantitative research method can be combined to obtain both narrative and quantitative data on research topic. This also has the advantage of compensating weakness in one method by other methods. Hence, I decided on conducting mixed method study to gain insight about social processes and test theory behind research. Conclusion: The reflective journal summarized the process of learning and development by means of teaching lessons of business research methods. This exercise of critical reflection helped in evaluating the benefits of the teaching process and achievement of learning goals. From personal perspective, this exercise was useful in formulating research question and planning research methods and structure for writing a business research on the topic of business process outsourcing.